About The Course
Course Aim
To increase awareness among management and WSHO on the ACOP for Chief Executives and Board of Directors WSH duties. The above provides a great opportunity for WSHO and management to further guide and advise the top management on their WSH roles and responsibilities. This course enhances the management/WSHO to establish WSH culture and aids the CEO/Director in managing WSH matters in the organization It also serves to remind the importance of CEO/Directors key role in the management of WSH in an organization.
Please take note that this course is NOT equivalent to TEWP or bizSAFE level 1 course.
Course content:
• Background - How it started & why is there a need for this Code of Practice (CoP)
• Cost of Accident
• The 4 Principles and the related 17 measures of the CoP
• ACOP checklist
• Mental Wellbeing linked to 4 Principles and 17 Measures
• Capabilities and culture building free programs
• How to apply 4 Principles and 17 measures in RCA
• Aims of Code of Practice – for who? And why them?
• Establishing a Robust and Effective WSH management system
• Key Take AWAY from 4 P and 17 M
Target Audience: WSHO/Managers. Individuals who are interested in knowing more of ACOP
Learner’s Profile: WPLN level 4
Course Duration: 4 Hours.
Attendance requirements – 100%
Medium of Instructions: English.
Training modes: classroom / online.
4 SDU Points applicable (Validity Period for SDU points - 1 Jan 2025 to 30 June 2025). WSHO can claim SDU points once only, for a course. The SDU points could not be claimed for a repeat or refresher course.