Course Details - Absolute Kinetics Consultancy
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Course Details

Courses For Workers - WESCREN - WESCO Refresher (English)

About The Course

Course Contents:  
The Workshop to Enhance the Safety of Crane Operation (WESCO) is a training workshop for MOM registered crane operators to raise their safety competencies in the operation of cranes.

Topics covered include safety practices for crane operations, updates on safety laws and regulations, safe lifting practices and lessons learnt from recent crane related accidents.

Learning objectives for the workshop is as follows:  
1. State the legal requirements in lifting operation.  
2. Explain safety precautions in crane operation.  
3. Describe pre operational checks on cranes and lifting gears.  
4. Comply with safe work procedures.  
5. Interpret load/capacity chart for cranes.  

The WESCO is for crane operators of the following crane types:  
• Crawler Crane  
• Dockside Tower Crane  
• Mobile Crane (Truck Mounted)  
• Tower Crane (Luffing Jib)  
• Tower Crane (Saddle Jib)

Entry Requirements

WESCO Refresher applicants are required to have valid crane operator licenses, or their licenses have expired for less than 6 months.  Crane Operators with licenses that have expired for 6 months or more should not attend the WESCO refresher.  They need to go through the crane operator course again or retake the crane operator test before their licenses could be renewed.
A copy of Crane Operator License and existing WESCO certificate should be produced for the course registration.


Free Parking on First come First serve basis


33 Hillview Terrace (Bukit Batok)

Medium of Instruction



09:00 am-03:00 pm

Course Fees
Course Fee Per Particpant
(Inc. of GST)
Credit Card Discount Debit Card Discount Giro Discount
40.74 0.00 0.00 0.00